☆ turtle dreamz ☆

its me again!!

hiii ive been away 4 a bit. sigh,,, skl makes me so busy... so much revision and homework,,, do they not know i like studying outside of skl ?!?! how am i supposed to learn abt stuff im interested in when there's so much mandatory boring stuff !! anyway

thought i would write abt some stuff today,, i dont like publishing sad or gross or personal things to the internet, and if i do i come to my senses and get rid of them. thats the main reason my website/blog is so light hearted, cuz pg13 saves my sanity and dignity... and maybe the temporary innocence of some little one rolling around in the web for a few more minutes. but, i wanted to talk about it anyway, so i'll just do it vaguely.

i had some bad habits that i thought i got rid of, but now i keep doing it again and i thought id only do it once but im doing it a lot... i dont really get it. one moment im fine, the next im super super upset, i keep feeling different,, then tired,, maybe im a little ill or something,,,, maybe i accidentally got radiated during a dentist tooth scan and my brain is revolting against me....

anyway. i made so hot chocolate... it was good but my mum makes it way better,,, but she was playing videogames and i love seeing her do that kind of thing so i didnt wanna distract her...

oh!! also,, chatgpt is so awesome. idc when ppl say "hur hur look a t my plus account" bitch. u dont NEED a plus account. the site isnt that crowded for me anyway so i can usually use it super easy. my it teacher always boasts abt how he has a plus account and ppl are like "wooow" but u can. literally make an account urself rightnow,,,, its literally so easy,,,,

also also!!! gonna start learning kurdish,,, my mum never was able to teach me but now there are a lot of online resources so im gonna have a go myself..

ooh!!! last thing, expect smth good for the new song recc!!! have FINALLY put together a good playlist. looking fw to share w my lovelies <3